Monday, March 8, 2010

Oblivian Distribution from Tracks of Light


Oblivia Deoxys



Oblivia Heatran



Oblivia Shaymin



  1. Updates <3! Nice, Nigoli. You know who I am, right? :P

  2. Hi, Nigoli! I would like to ask why you can post the distribution before the date of the distribution?

  3. It really depends on the Distribution.

    Sometimes some of the Japanese Events leak out earlier on, usually Cinema Pokemon. USA Events usually leak out early because someone gets a hold of the actual Distribution Cartridge early.

    Ranger is a prime example, since all the Wonder Card Data is already on the actual games without needing any made-up data. You can either use a Cheat Code to enable the Special Missions acquired to get them, or decrypt them in the actual Game Data with two or more Wonder Cards already acquired from those games. The Card Title makes it pin-point where to find it for these. And once you compare the already acquired Wonder Cards with some decrypted ones, it's not hard to figure it out how to decrypt them.

    But yeah. You'll probably end up seeing more USA ones coming out before their dates. And probably most definitely the Cinema Celebi in Japan if it's anything like the Arceus Movie with showcasing it at an earlier date.

  4. Thanks Nigoli for answering my question in detail. I look forward to your further distribution post.

  5. Thanks so much!
    hello, you can get the distributions to date have been issued in the U.S.?

    thank you very much again, you're the best!

  6. so sorry, i see the rar archive two .nds Japan and USA.
    Thank you very much!!

  7. Thanks for all these event WC's so far, just wondering if/ when you would be getting any new ones like the ones for movie 13? Or the bookmark pokemon events/ Pokewalker TM events?
