Wednesday, December 24, 2014

G Gen Frontier ~ 00 & Unicorn Upcoming Cards

Here are two more things I found that I wanted to share.

Unicorn Gundam (NT-D / Awakened) is also an L ranged unit.

I figured I'd just give a surprise for anyone playing this game currently and liking some of the past events for the game for this recent year. You might have visted this blog and saw the sprites in my banner wondering where they came from. Since they clearly aren't from the console games. These should be upcoming later on.

Sorry for the watermarkings. I don't really trust certain people yet with certain assets. Consider this a test run though. I've been wanting to post these for weeks and just haven't had much time with other things with other games or things recently. A Card I've posted elsewhere, was an SR class 0 Gundam Type ACD.


I figure it's Christmas, people like these units from these two series. So consider this my gift.