Saturday, July 9, 2011

[B&W] Zekrom Present | Reshiram Present


Zekrom Present

Reshiram Present



  1. Wonder Cards are from the Special Showing of the Double Feature Movie 14. It's also noted as Pokemon Movie 11 for it's year. It's always been like this since Dialga VS Palkia VS Darkrai (Movie #10 / Pokemon Movie 07)

  2. Hi, Nigoli. Can we use them to get the c-gear skin?

  3. ^ I'm not quite sure. From my knowledge, I think it can be any Zekrom or Reshiram and playing some sort of Minigame. I think you can only get 1 C-Gear out of the 2 per-game. So you'd probably go for Zekrom on White, and Reshiram on Black.

  4. ^ Nevermind. It looks like you definitely need the Movie ones. One of my Friends tried a normal one and it wouldn't work for them. I tried the Movie ones when it came out and it worked. Putting in a normal one won't show a rainbow road to the Minigame.

    If you also have both versions and acquire different ones on each of them you can get both of them on both Game Sync IDs. You just have to activate it on the other Gane ID once you've done the Minigame with either or. Which is pretty nice if you're someone trying to collect all C-Gear Skins.

  5. which program I use to spend them?

  6. I tried to use dist ROMs on my DSTT but "load rom errcode=-4" error occurred.
    How can I use them?

  7. There's a known issue that's being worked on with the current Distributions. There's something wrong with the ARM7 being too large and certain Flash Carts like DSTii, CycloDS, and iEdge not working.

    I'm trying to correct the problem.

  8. which flashcards can you recommend me?
    i really want to make work that room's

  9. Personally, I would suggest the Acecard 2i.

  10. how to use this file. i have load in r4 sdhc and edge but only found white screen.
